Monday, July 10, 2006

Strive To Gain More of Each Customer's Business

We must be almost evangelistic about the importance of developing and maintaining extraordinary relationships with customers. This is done in many ways. But the main point is that the degree to which customers buy more and more from you is largely dependent upon how well you manage that relationship. A primary objective of any business should be to achieve higher levels of penetration across its customer base. The extent to which a business focuses on selling more to each customer can go a long way towards determining the level of profitability. Theoretically, as a relationship grows and customers buy more from a particular business, price tends to become less of a factor in the buying decision. Therefore, the deeper the relationship with a particular customer, the more likely the customer is to buy more at higher gross profit levels. Obviously no business should take advantage of a customer relationship by charging unrealistically high prices. However, stronger customer relationships often allow the business to compete based on the strength of the relationship rather than price.

Good Luck & Good Selling!

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