Thursday, February 23, 2006

Don't Over Promise and Under Deliver

Through promotional campaigns, sales presentations, conversations with customers and other ways, many businesses seem to promise more than they can possibly deliver. This can come in many forms. The promise of excellent product quality often turns out to be nothing more than a promise. The promise of excellent customer service rings hollow with many customers. The promise of expedited delivery or performance of some type often falls short. It is a dangerous and unwise practice to tell customers and prospective customers that your business and its people can do something when there is little chance that it will actually happen. Pay close attention to what you and your people are "promising" your customers and prospective customers. Can you actually deliver on those promises on a consistent basis? If not, stop and rethink what you can deliver. It is far better to exceed expectations than to fall short of them.

Good Luck & Good Selling!

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