Saturday, March 24, 2007

Put Some Structure into Your Selling Efforts

Sales are a critical function in most organizations and there should be some structure built into the selling efforts of the organization. Setting a minimum number of calls to be made, routing sales reps through their territories to maximize coverage and having a systematic selling methodology are but a few of the things that should be in place in order to get the most from your selling efforts. Sales people are typically not as organized as they should be and putting structure into their daily activities will help keep them organized and focused on what is important.

Good Luck & Good Selling!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is Your Marketing Approach Stale?

Sometimes businesses do something for so long that it becomes habitual. Marketing is one area where there is a need for constant evaluation of what is working and what isn't. Do things that used to work well not seem to work so well anymore? Perhaps they need some fine-tuning or they need to be scrapped and replaced with something that is more effective. Look at your sales approach. Is it keeping up with changes in the market? And look hard at your promotional efforts. In today’s ever-changing world, promotional techniques can become outdated almost overnight.

Good Luck & Good Selling!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sales is a Function of Numbers and Relationships

There are at least two critical factors in selling more.... increasing the number of contacts and strengthening the relationships with customers. The sales game tends to be a function of numbers and relationships. The more prospects and current customers contacted and the stronger the relationships, the more gets sold. While this is not always the case, it certainly holds true in most cases. Of course the quality of the contact made is important. Also, the service delivered to the customer has a lot to do with the strength of the relationship. Nevertheless, sales people have a lot to do with both the number of contacts made and the viability of the relationship. Managing contacts and relationship development is an important function. Is your company focusing on both?

Good Luck & Good Selling!