Saturday, December 23, 2006
Customer Service Assessment
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Is Your Market Strategy Still Effective?
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Saturday, December 02, 2006
Call a Customer Today
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Price and Perceived Value
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Saturday, November 04, 2006
Attributes Of Successful Long-Term Businesses
We believe there are attributes that are common to successful businesses. While there are probably others, we feel that the twelve attributes below represent the most important:
1. They are focused on the customer and gather feedback and input from the customer on a regular and consistent basis.
2. They understand the concept of relationship development, both internally and externally and they work hard at forming new relationships and strengthening old ones.
3. They are externally-driven (customer) rather than internally-driven (operations).
4. They have a high percentage of talented and high performing employees.
5. They understand how to apply their resources in a manner that maximizes their opportunity for success.
6. They have a high level of morale and teamwork and foster that kind of environment.
7. They do not constantly shift and change priorities.
8. They have well defined and simple, efficient processes.
9. They have a long-term mentality.
10. They have a long-range plan with goals that all employees understand.
11. They spend money wisely and are not afraid to spend money to the benefit of the organization.
12. They have strong and effective communication taking place consistently and regularly.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Use Your Web Site To Handle Routine Tasks
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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Not All Customers Are Good Ones
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Friday, September 29, 2006
Don't Just Sell More
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Track Sales By Customer
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Monday, September 04, 2006
Deliver Value
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Avoid Fat, Dumb and Happy
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Sunday, August 06, 2006
Grow With Caution
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Do You Know What Sells?
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Buy Sales Consulting Expertise When Needed
Even though there is a cost associated with bringing in outside consultants, there are times when it is necessary. Good consultants can help you take a step back and look at your company differently. There are times in any business when certain expertise does not exist internally. In these cases, going outside to hire a consultant makes sense. It is important, however, to find a consultant or consulting firm that has a strong hands-on background in running a sales organization. They have been through what you go through daily and have made mistakes and learned from them. They can then transfer that knowledge to you, your managers and your sales team. Be careful when hiring consultants. Cheaper is usually not better. There is usually a reason that some consultants fetch big hourly rates. Even with a high hourly rate, they will often have a much bigger impact in less time than someone less experienced charging a lower rate. Don't rely solely on consultants. Learn from them and assimilate what you learn into your day-to-day management activities.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Strive To Gain More of Each Customer's Business
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Friday, June 30, 2006
Training Expense and Profits
It is essential that money spent on employee training be spent wisely. Far too much money is wasted on unnecessary or inappropriate training. In some organizations, there is no training plan, no training budget and/or little understanding of what training is most important to the success of the employee and the business. Does your business have a training matrix that shows what training is needed for each employee based on gaps in their skills? Or does your business paint all employees with the same brush and put them all through the same training? It is important to understand that not all employees need the same type of training. The impact on profits is twofold; 1) excess money is spent on unnecessary training, and 2) the employees are not trained to enhance performance in areas they are weak in. Look closely at how you are spending money on training. Is there waste? Is the training applicable?
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Price For Long-Term Relationships
There are many factors that enter into relationship development. One of those is pricing. If a customer feels that you are constantly trying to sell them something at an inflated price, there is a good chance you will eventually lose that customer. In their zeal to pad their commission checks, sales people will tend to go in one of two directions; 1) quote a price that is too low, or 2) quote a price that is too high. It is important to have a set of consistent pricing guidelines for your sales force and anyone else quoting prices. While sales people shouldn't overprice to take advantage of a relationship, they shouldn't under price either. Under pricing establishes a bad precedent in terms of their expectations for future purchases unless they clearly understand it is special pricing of some sort. Also, under pricing negatively impacts your gross profit. Prices should be established in a market/customer-driven manner with an eye toward generating reasonable gross profits.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Do you have a product or service view of the world?
Do you view the world from the standpoint, "I sell (product or service) and I want to sell more of them." Or do you take the viewpoint, "I want to acquire and retain loyal customers." If your objective is to retain customer loyalty, you must ask yourself three questions:
1. How do I organize my marketing plans to achieve this goal?
Developing a Customer Perspective
Effective marketing programs start from the customer's point of view. To operate an effective, customer-centered marketing program, you must:
- Know your customers. Develop the capability to record and store customer information, starting with a customer profile on what their environment looks like, who they are, where they are, what they buy, and what they plan to buy.
- Address your customers’ specific issues.
Segment your top customers into targeted categories that allow you to address their specific problems and interests.
- Talk to those who will listen. Prioritize or score your database to make sure you’re contacting those customers or targeting those prospects that have the most potential.
- Qualify prospects for interest. Don't just purchase any list or lead for prospecting. Be selective; match it to your customer profile. You increase the efficiency of your marketing dollars and sales time when prospects are more qualified.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Principles Of Knowing Your Customers
Know your customers from your contacts with them. Marketing information goes deeper than marketing surveys or general market analysis. Database marketing provides detailed information about your customers and their business on an individual businesses, such as:
- Business name, title and job function, size and number of employees, phone number (enterprise-and specific site-based)
- Demographic, econographic and technographic characteristics
- Past product purchasing behavior and planned purchases
- Installed systems, equipment, software, etc.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Develop A Long-Term Relationship with Your Customers
2. Communicate with your customers personally by name. Database marketing allows you to be more knowledgeable about your customers' buying frequency, dollar value of their business, and other factors that influence immediate and future sales.
3. Add value to your customers' purchases. Expand sales through additional services such as training programs, related products and services and automatic updates.
4. Develop, enhance and expand your relationship. When customers trust and depend on you, they look to you for help in solving their problems. They look forward to doing business with you and want you to service more and more of their needs.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Creating A Database Attitude
Successful operation of a marketing database requires a change to a marketing culture. A marketing culture demands:
- A marketing approach rather than a systems approach. Marketing is customer-centered and all systems need to be created and managed to support customers. Ask, "How will this add value to my customers: experience and use? The technical nature of database management cannot supersede the need for marketing and customer support.
- A willingness to invest. Marketing databases require systems composed of hardware, software and experts to operate them. Loyalty programs require strategy and time to succeed. All are vital investments that are required before a database marketing program will succeed.
- Accountability and a return on investment.
Marketing promotions need to be considered as investments that require a return on investment. Reports and calculations need to be made for all decisions, and the decisions need to be accountable to show a required return on investment.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Customer Service and Your Bottom Line
Over the long haul, there is no question that providing outstanding customer service benefits a business significantly. It strengthens the relationships with customers, provides a solid foundation for additional account penetration and keeps customer attrition to a minimum. All of this benefits the bottom line. And outstanding customer services help avoid the additional work associated with mistakes, problems and inappropriate treatment of customers. Focus heavily on your customer service levels and instill a real discipline about how customers are served. Over time your bottom line will reflect the enhanced emphasis.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Improve Efficiency With Processes
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
CyberSelling Book Reviewers Wanted
As a free Member, you'll be able to read each and every chapter as they are written, provide your comments, and reply to other members' postings. In doing so, you will get free, advanced reviewing of my new book and be able to provide your comments and opinions, thereby helping me to make sure it addresses my readers' best interests.
It's free and easy. I will even email all Members whenever a new chapter is posted. I hope you take advantage of this special offer. Thanks.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Don't Be Afraid To Charge Higher Prices
Some businesses are afraid to charge prices that reflect the value of the product or service offered. They feel that charging a lower price attracts buyers they might not otherwise attract. In some cases that is true. However, if a product or service is reasonably priced, customers generally won't balk at paying a price based on perceived value. Only when there is a disparity between perceived value and the price is there reluctance or refusal to buy based on price. Ask yourself how your product or service stacks up against your competitors’ product/service. Is it of higher quality? Are you adding value to the process in some way that might warrant a higher price? In short, don't be afraid to price your products and/or services at levels that reflect their quality and value.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Spend Money On Training, But Only The Right Training
Training is an important element in sales development and filling skill gaps. There has been an increasing emphasis on training, but many companies spend money on training that has little or no chance of making a difference. Evaluate what skills are critical to each sales individual and position in your organization. Put a training plan in place that addresses critical skills against skill gaps of sales reps. But before committing to specific training programs make sure you evaluate the effectiveness of the programs. Among the most effective types of training are individual and team mentoring programs designed to provide hands-on training tailored to the specific skill gaps of the individuals involved. Additionally, the trainer must have personal experience in sales and sales management to be effective and believable. Don't settle for just book-smart instructors. Understanding what are needed and fitting programs to those needs is very important.
If you'd like to determine the ROI of your sales training program, click HERE for our free Sales Training ROI Calculator.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
It Usually Takes More Time Than Expected
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Do You Really Want To Lower Your Price?
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Some Customers Might Be Worth Losing
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Observe A Process Today
Take the time out of your busy schedule to spend time watching and learning about one of the critical processes occurring in your company. This means getting right in the middle of it and following the process by sitting with employees involved in it and asking questions about the specific activities surrounding it. Since productivity is essential in enhancing profitability, understanding processes and how they have evolved will help identify those that have extra steps in them and/or where there are efficiency and productivity issues. In short, spend time actually doing the steps in various processes and you will learn a lot about them. Sometimes things have been added or changed without your knowledge.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
To Travel Or Not To Travel
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Don't Over Promise and Under Deliver
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Friday, February 17, 2006
Don't Fall Into This Trap
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Saturday, February 04, 2006
How Morale Affects Profits
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Is Networking REALLY Worthwhile?
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Communicate Price Increases
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Friday, January 20, 2006
Sales Training ROI Calculator
Now you have a tool that can help you measure the Return-On-Investment for Sales Training. This simple ROI Calculator will show you when you might see a return on your training investments. And it is FREE. I developed this tool to help you determine the value of training your sales staff, or even yourself. But mind you, we are not responsible for any use or interpretations of the results. This is to be used as a guideline only.
Click HERE to access this free Sales Training ROI Calculator.
Good Luck and Good Selling!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Ten Deadly Small Business Mistakes
Click HERE to read these mistakes.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Russ Lombardo
Friday, January 06, 2006
7 Small Business Marketing Tips
Click HERE to read these tips.
Good Luck & Good Selling!
Russ Lombardo